Mail a letter to a friend or family member as a way of showing kindness.

12 Simple Ways to Be Kind

by Lori Lipsky

My daughter drove from Wisconsin to North Carolina not long ago. She said it was the worst drive of her life, and that’s saying a lot. As a travel enthusiast and photographer, she spends a lot of time on the road.

Road construction, traffic back-ups, and several near-misses caused by other driver errors had her shaken up by the time she reached her destination of Asheville, North Carolina.

Two highlights of her day happened at Chicago toll areas. She had brief conversations with attendants at two different booths. One merely smiled and was polite. The other complimented my daughter on a piece of jewelry in a pleasant tone of voice.

I was reminded of the power just a few words can have on another’s day. Kindness has a ripple effect. Your kindness often inspires another to show kindness. Here are twelve simple suggestions for spreading kindness:

  1. Write an unexpected thank you note.
  2. Hold a door open for another person.
  3. Invite someone to lunch and pay the bill.
  4. Mail someone a letter. Real mail can be saved and reread.
  5. Offer to babysit for friends or family with young children.
  6. Bring a plant or dessert to a new family in your neighborhood.
  7. Send flowers to someone. Or deliver them in person.

“Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity.” John Ruskin

  1. Call a grandparent or stop by for a visit.
  2. Knit or crochet a baby blanket and pass it on to a baby in your life.
  3. Reconnect with an old friend. Write them a note or give them a call.
  4. Tip big. Make the server’s day.
  5. Take the time to complete a survey at a restaurant or store. Mention the name of the employee who waited on you, and leave a kind comment.

How will you show kindness to another today?


© Lori Lipsky